I want to use Mermaid diagram on Markdown. By wrote this code (in code block) into .md|mdx
direction LR
class People {
- address: Address
+ eat(food: Food)
People ..> Food
People --> Address
Astro should render this diagram as SVG for me
Loading graph...
From Astro document, we can create Markdown plugin with Remark1. All we need to do is
- Create plugin file in
- Update Astro’s config in
- Put Mermaid initial code in
Create Markdown plugin
Target: ./src/plugins/mermaid.ts
import type { RemarkPlugin } from "@astrojs/markdown-remark";
import { visit } from "unist-util-visit";
import dedent from "ts-dedent";
const escapeMap: Record<string, string> = {
"&": "&",
"<": "<",
">": ">",
'"': """,
"'": "'",
const escapeHtml = (str: string) => str.replace(/[&<>"']/g, c => escapeMap[c]);
// @ts-ignore
export const mermaid: RemarkPlugin<[]> = () => tree => {
visit(tree, "code", node => {
if (node.lang !== "mermaid") return;
// @ts-ignore
node.type = "html";
node.value = dedent`
<div class="mermaid" data-content="${escapeHtml(node.value)}">
<p>Loading graph...</p>
Update Astro’s config
Target: ./astro.config.mjs
import the new plugin and put in markdown.remarkPlugins
// ...
import { mermaid } from "./src/plugins";
export default defineConfig({
markdown: {
remarkPlugins: [
// ...
Put Mermaid initialize code into main layout file
Target: ./src/layouts/Layout.astro
Put this code within <body />
async function renderDiagrams(graphs) {
const {default: mermaid} = await import("mermaid")
startOnLoad: false,
fontFamily: "var(--sans-font)",
// @ts-ignore This works, but TS expects a enum for some reason
theme: window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches ? "dark" : "default",
for (const graph of graphs) {
const content = graph.getAttribute("data-content")
if (!content) continue
let svg = document.createElement("svg")
const id = (svg.id = "mermaid-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 100000))
mermaid.render(id, content).then(result => {
graph.innerHTML = result.svg
const graphs = document.getElementsByClassName("mermaid")
if (document.getElementsByClassName("mermaid").length > 0) {